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Previous Summits

ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit


Inclusive Business Summit

Incentivise Businesses for Inclusive Growth

23-25 August 2023

Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia

The Sixth ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit commissions dialogue to explore opportunities to prepare an enabling environment to incentivise businesses for a sustainable future, such as establishing the ASEAN IB Acceleration Programme to support and finance inclusive business models.

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Inclusive Business Summit

Together ASEAN IBee

26-27 October 2022

Hybrid Event, Siem Reap, Cambodia

The Fifth ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit focused on supporting the implementation of the Guidelines for the Promotion of Inclusive Business in ASEAN, particularly on IB investments incentives policy instrument and its support mechanisms.

Fourth ASEAN

Inclusive Business Summit

Building Inclusive Businesses to Build Back Better

22 September 2021

Video Conference, Brunei Darussalam

The Fourth ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit, presented the diverse IB modelsin Southeast Asia to showcase essential elements that make a business model both inclusive and commercially viable. It also explored how governments can and have put into practice the Guidelines for the Promotion of Inclusive Business in ASEAN, in particular two of the core measures suggested in the Guidelines, namely the establishment of an IB accreditation and registration system and the provision of business coaching services for firms to develop IB models.


Inclusive Business Summit

Building Inclusive Businesses to Build Back Better

29 September 2020

Virtually, Viet Nam

The Third ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit marked the continued commitment of the ASEAN Community, including government representatives, the private sector, investors and development organisations, to create an enabling ecosystem for inclusive business, amidst the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis that poses even greater challenges to the region in meeting its targeted sustainable development goals by 2030.

Second ASEAN

Inclusive Business Summit

Celebrating advances and envisioning the future

1 November 2019

Bangkok, Thailand

The Second ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit celebrated advances in building enabling policy environments and promoting IB in ASEAN Member States and for the ASEAN community. It provided an opportunity to discuss public and private partnerships on Inclusive Business and to envision the future of IB promotion in ASEAN.


Inclusive Business Summit

Pioneering Change in the Way We Do Business

6 September, 2017

Manila, Philippines

The ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit with the theme, aimed to formally introduce and build the case for inclusive business (IB) in the ASEAN through exemplary models, instrumental government interventions, and regional support initiatives. The inputs from this summit served as reference in crafting recommendations to ASEAN on how to carry forward the IB agenda in the region.

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