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Inclusive Businesses should be now "Business as Usual" to achieve SDGs.
Ms. Srivalli Krishnan
Senior Program Officer
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, India

My Pledge
1. Policy advisory support:
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's core value is "All Lives have Equal Value" and aligned with this, BMGF is committed to supporting Inclusive Businesses in South and South East Asia in partnership with UNESCAP to design and sustain national accreditation systems
2. Inclusive and sustainable business development:
BMGF will support firms including small and medium enterprises and startups partner with governments, larger private sector, IFIs as they embark on the IB journey; and ensure these align to SDG indicators on inclusion and diversity.
3. Access to finance:
BMGF through its partners will support firms including small and medium enterprises and startups partner with governments, larger private sector, IFIs to access capital and resources, and risk mitigation tools.
4. ASEAN Inclusive Business Knowledge hub/centre:
BMGF commits to partner with regional institutions in Asia such as ESCAP to generate awareness on IB in the region and beyond.
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