Instructions to make a pledge
Pledges can be made by development organisations, investors, and businesses to promote inclusive businesses.
Pledges are voluntary commitments.
The commitments can address one or several of the following areas of action:
Policy advisory support
Support firms in the development of inclusive and sustainable business models
Access to finance
ASEAN Inclusive Business Knowledge hub/centre
Pledges will be made available online here and on 23 August 2023, during the Sixth ASEAN Inclusive Business Summit
Make a pledge!
First Name
Job Title
Last Name
Quote – please add a quote that could be used in social media about this pledge
Picture – please add the picture of the person making the pledge
Logo – please submit the logo of the organisation to be submitted next to the pledge
First Name
Job Title
Last Name
1. Policy advisory support: commitments to support the development and adoption of policies, strategies or programmes to promote IB,
as well as the implementation of policy instruments, such as a national inclusive business accreditation systems.
Organisation X is committed to provide policy advise to ASEAN member States regarding the development and adoption of policies and strategies to promote IB, as well as the design policy instruments, in particular national IB accreditation systems and IB coaching services.
2. Inclusive and sustainable business development: Support firms in the development of inclusive and sustainable business models, in
particular by providing business coaching services to develop IB models, by supporting micro and small enterprises to link with larger
companies, and by training firms in impact measurement and management.
Organisation Y will support firms do an IB self-assessment/ seeking to be accredited in inclusive business in country X.
Organisation X will provide x days of pro-bono coaching for inclusive business in countries A, B and C.
3. Access to finance: This may include grants to support inclusive business innovations and inclusive business models, impact bonds, risk reduction facility(ies), tax incentives, etc
Impact investor X is willing to provide advise for the development of a risk reduction facility.
Organisation X is willing to support the development of a regional risk reduction facility.
4. ASEAN Inclusive Business Knowledge hub / centre: resources to generate awareness about IB, share information on IB policies and
initiatives, provide access to IB events and resources, and build a community of IB experts.
Organisation X will provide training to inclusive businesses on impact measuring and managing.
Organisation X will be able to co-finance for the knowledge hub for a total of X USD over 4 years.
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